We invested 36 years and a life time or research into developing a healthy and stable companion for your whole family. Our Spacious homes and land in Kansas allow us to train and socialize the puppies every day. Our families raises puppies in all our homes home underfoot and around our children giving them the best start in life with great temperaments. Now that we had to downsize we trusted only our Extended Families to continue our legacy, even though we all breed just a couple litters a year, All the orginal wonderfull DNA Genetic lines are all from Jenina. Even our Adult Children, hardly children in there 30's lol.. Raise these amazing dogs We only offer Pick up from the breeder or Breeder delivery by us the breeders only. We Do all use this ONE Website to make it easier for you to find just the right pup and saves all of us time and money so we can spend more of that on our dogs. Each pup and Parent will be listed to the owner so you know exactly who to contact. Jenina welcomes any questions since she has owned many many generations of each of these parents.
We know with the huge amount of scams on the internet these days.. We are real and here to remind you be sure to call us , talk to a real person ,we can facetime give you real numbers and help you navigate through all the fake pups on the internet, breeders get scammed to so we understand how important finding the right puppy can be.
We have made a special order contract with Paws-N-Claws in Abilene that Guarantees your money. Josh Owner at Paws-N-Claws understands how many people are scammed the world over so the Pet shop guarantees your money that way if you choose to pick up there at his store he will guarantee you get the pup you have paid for!. For this service please use the Paypal Button and Must send in an Applicatation.
We try to keep this as current as possible; we may have not listed the pup you are looking for so please call or text Jenina or Shleby, Alex at (785) 280-9677, or Troy (785) 280-9894, Jammie (785)430-1543 Please make sure you have read all the pages such as Application, Contract, etc. (We reserve the right to refuse payment of any puppy, to any person, if we find it not to be in the best interest of the puppy) All our pups are listed and have prices that may or may not include breeding rights. Please ask if you’re looking for a dog to breed. we are breeder friendly to responsible, ethical breeders. We are One of the FEW breeders who have rare colors that are DNA Genetic tested Animals are for Life and not an impulse buy. WE DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS BECAUSE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND! We remove them from the site hold them for you and tell others they are sold. No Exceptions unless pet is found unsound before going home. This includes pre puppy deposits. We have told others you had choice and they may have gone elsewhere and then you changing your mind means that we have lost that pets potential home! The puppy Names we give them is just for us to be able to call them by name, You of course can change their name to whatever you like!!
P.S. most Pugs are born nearly black even Fawns PLEASE understand if our pups say fawn or silver fawn (very similar except silver fawn wont have the darker line down back that is preferred for show pugs-called the Trace) , sable etc they are we know from experience how light they will become. here is a photo collage from birth to older so you can see thanks All Photos of Colors and Birth to 8 weeks are at the Bottom of the Page Please have a Look at the adorable cuteness lol..
If Paypal isnt what you want to use We do take
Venmo @PawsNClawsJnJ or Cash App: $jnjpugsnpaps
If Paypal isnt what you want to use We do take
Venmo @PawsNClawsJnJ or
Cash App: $jnjpugsnpaps
If Paypal isnt what you want to use We do take
Venmo @PawsNClawsJnJ or Cash App: $jnjpugsnpaps
If Paypal isnt what you want to use We do take
Venmo @PawsNClawsJnJ or
Cash App: $jnjpugsnpaps
If Paypal isnt what you want to use We do take
Venmo @PawsNClawsJnJ or
Cash App: $jnjpugsnpaps
If Paypal isnt what you want to use We do take
Venmo @PawsNClawsJnJ or
Cash App: $jnjpugsnpaps
Please call, Text or Email: when ready to place a deposit/payment on a puppy so we can give you the options of: Paypal, Venmo, CashApp, Visa, GooglePay, Zelle, Check etc, depending on the breeder family
Please call, Text or Email: when ready to place a deposit/payment on a puppy so we can give you the options of: Paypal, Venmo, CashApp, Visa, GooglePay, Zelle, Check etc, depending on the breeder family
Please call, Text or Email: when ready to place a deposit/payment on a puppy so we can give you the options of: Paypal, Venmo, CashApp, Visa, GooglePay, Zelle, Check etc, depending on the breeder family
Please call, Text or Email: when ready to place a deposit/payment on a puppy so we can give you the options of: Paypal, Venmo, CashApp, Visa, GooglePay, Zelle, Check etc, depending on the breeder family
Please call, Text or Email: when ready to place a deposit/payment on a puppy so we can give you the options of: Paypal, Venmo, CashApp, Visa, GooglePay, Zelle, Check etc, depending on the breeder family
Please Note these colors are for your reference and are Common names. They are by no means Registered colors by AKC or ACA this is just the most common standard color codeing for most pug breeders to help people decide the color for you. Remeber every baby is different and coat colors can change throughout life! These Pictures are ALL OUR pups over the past 36 years We have made sure to develop colors without compromising there health! No Borrowed web pics here lol...
1) Fawn with Trace line (most Preferred for showing) 2)Fawn 3) Fawn with (traditional chinese white markings) 4) Fawn with Dilute to No Mask 5) Silver Fawn (No trace line) 6) Sable Fawn some have Tan points like this one some do not
1) Cream Merle 2) Cream Sable 3) Fawn Cream (hard to see until in sunlight) 4) Cream 5) White Merle 6) White
1) Black 2) Black (the white is considered traditional chinese pug) 30 Black & Tan 4) Black and White Panda - called Boston Marked) 5) Black & white Koi Panda 6) Black /Blue Merle Koi Panda
1) Black Brindle 2) Flashy (sometimes called Reverse) Brindle 3) Brindle Panda 4) Tri colored Panda
1) Chocolate Merle Panda 2) Fawn Panda 3) Tri color Merle Panda 4) Fawn Merle Panda (Full Saddle) 5) Black & White Panda 6) Koi Dalmation Panda
1) Dilute Chocolate Merle 2) Chocolate Merle 3) Blue/Black merle 4) Blue / Black Merle 5) Dilute Blue/Black Merle 6) Dilute Black Merle
Note* Blue Merle and Black Merle ( In Pugs) is Nearly indistinguishable differences in camera pictures even some in person DNA testing for colors will tell you exacts
Pugs EYES I get this a lot about this time every time I post 3 to 5 week pics. No your pups eyes are not bad if cloudy looking a freshly opened eye on a pug pup and other breeds looks like a blue film this is a film that wears off and is perfectly normal its also why many breeders don't post sale pics until 6 weeks they think people wont understand. Two yes they will look are crazy or wall eyed as some say THIS IS NOT the case with ours, pugs skull is very flat ,when born its squeezed lol and sockets shallow it takes a while for the skull to be in its permanent position and for the eyes to settle in and look correct you will see them straighten up as each few weeks goes by No we DO NOT breed wall eyed adults or that trait, it is a shallow eye socket and very bad trait. Give your pup the time to develop correctly and you will see them form into the perfect little pug ! Best way to see is take a peek at our adults page.
We have had many ask us what daily Vitamin we use for our adults and pups and the food we use we have few types but always use non-by product and always USA made the top choice we find to have the best healthiest pup is Life's Abundance for dog food & for vitamins the answer is Nu Vet they love it and makes an amazing difference in all around health. Links below is how to have them come straight to your door! With these products we believe in quality food and vitamins so much that we do extend our pups health guarantee with the use of these products!
ID Code: 67495
Use the links below to get your new puppy started right and have them at home and ready by the time you get your new baby. For NuVet, click and order the wafers and in the amount you like discount for "auto ship." For food & treats, Click the Life's Abundance link, choose the products page then dog food page or dog treats page then click small and medium breed puppy food. They carry several of the treats your pup will be used to bully sticks, grain-free Chewies. For training we use the freeze dried turkey heart and Tasty Rewards. Thanks for giving your pup the best start in their new home!
We always Microchip our pups with AKC reunite world readable chips. Once you recieve your pups you will be able to register them to you and put in your information. at www.akcreunite.org Microchips are great if used..If your dog gets out or stolen and you dont have it registred it will not help. We also offer in Addition a GPS Tag. These tags are amazing your pet with have all their vet records the shots and wormings with all theri birth date and other info., and Global Pet Systems Gives your pet their own email to send their files and recieve from your vet, groomer or bording kennel. and their entire info at your fingertips. Best part if your pet gets out and someone scans the tag you will get an instant alert to where you pet was just scanned , Like low jack for your pet lol.. Microchips work well but keep in mind only ones who can read it is shelters or vets, the average person who may find your pet doesnt carry a scanner this way no matter who finds them people can use their cell phone to scan the tag and get your phone number to call you and say "Hey i just found your beloved pet! " We offer this through us for our pups only for $80.00 additional charge and will be loaded and ready when your pet is ready to go home. You can purchase yourself later the programs does run $175 to $200.00 on your own. Just let us know before you get your puppy that you want this option. We strive for a better,safer life for your loved ones! Click Below to add $80.00
We do have financing options Apply with Easy pay *Must be a local pick up only, or a breeder Delivery . Other Financing avialable is Paypal Credit
We do offer Puppy Packs. Here is an example pic of what our puppies are used to as toys, treats, etc. Let me know if you would like to add the puppy pack, it’s $80.00 (pick up or free shipping) and has everything they will need for chewing (teething the different areas) and training & (stuffy toy that we will put with mommy and siblings for a few days and seal and pack so when they arrive or come home, they will have the comfort of their scents).
We customize each box to the puppy you adopted and put in new versions of what they play with here. I have many other things if you like including kennels, leashes, and collars. Just let us know. Each pack is different and can have more items. It depends on pup and size of pup, and toys they play with. $200.00
We do have financing options Apply with Easy pay *Must be a local pick up only, or a breeder Delivery . Other Financing avialable is Paypal Credit
- Affordable financing options for customers with good to no credit. - Financing options for Hedgehogs with up to $5,000 and $0 down payment at the time of purchase.
We do have financing options Apply with Easy pay *Must be a local pick up only, or a breeder Delivery . Other Financing avialable is Paypal Credit
- Affordable financing options for customers with good to no credit. - Financing options for Hedgehogs with up to $5,000 and $0 down payment at the time of purchase.
We are very strict about our customers' financial security and we remain PCI compliant and use PayPal for best Secure payments. Please do not call us to give us your credit card as we do not take card numbers over the phone. You can send a personal check if for a deposit on a pet or Use the pay pal.me address below or just simply click the "Buy Now" button next to the pet and you can choose PayPal Credit or right from your Checking or Credit Card or Pay pal account. Thanks so much.
If you wish to place your payment through Venmo or Cash App that's accepted as well. Please be sure to add note as to what pet you’re are sending it for and your phone number. Thanks Here's the link to my Venmo.
Email, Call or Text
Jenina (Pugs) or Shelby (Pugs) or Troy (Chihuahuas) Jammie(Pugs) Ty (Pugs) Alex(Pugs) Deb(Chihuahuas)
Address: Wichita, Salina & Abilene, KS 67410
Shared For Paws-N-Claws: We do Help take in unwanted small animals if we have the Quarantine space . Pet shops are the number one place that people"dump" their unwanted small critters. Many pet shops try to work with rescues ,the rescues we have found wont work with us because we are a pet shop ..lol We have always maintained the highest standards in finding homes for dumped critters, we get them healthy and never resell any such animals. We work strictly by donation for these pets. If you are ever instrested in a rescued critter send in the applicattion and state that in the notes. If you would like to be a generous person and Donate to our cause the link below will help us out wonderfully.